Fee for complete electronic books (General Scheme - Annual)
Code maintenance fee Electronic books:
Inventory Book and Balance Sheets
Access to available updates that can be made due to legal changes or improvements.
Unlimited support for eBook Bugs.
4.00 4.0 USD per month
Fee Libros electrónicos(Costos - Kardex)
Code maintenance fee Kardex electronic books- Costs: Permanent book in physical units and Valued. Access to available updates that can be made due to legal changes or improvements.
Unlimited eBook Bug Support
Fee Complete Electronic Books (Monthly)
Fee Electronic Books Base
Fee Accounting and Finance
10.00 10.0 USD per month
Fee Libros electrónicos (Activos Fijos)
Code maintenance fee Electronic books:
Fixed Asset Registration
7.1 and 7.4
Access to available updates that can be made due to legal changes or improvements.
Unlimited eBook Bug Support
6.00 6.0 USD per month